by Manisha Thakor | Feb 11, 2013 | All Posts, Give, Protect, Spend
According to the National Retail Federation, the average person plans to spend $130.97 on Valentine’s Day gifts this year. Total spending will reach $18.6 billion. When it comes to buying gifts, how do we know what the right balance is between expressing love to our...
by Manisha Thakor | Jan 28, 2013 | All Posts, Invest
Taking care of your financial health is a continuous process. Life changes at a rapid pace. It is essential to honor yourself by asking for help during major transitions. While 70% of women say they want to work with a financial advisor, only 20% actually do (source:...
by Manisha Thakor | Jan 14, 2013 | All Posts, Reflect, Top 10
Do you ever feel that no matter how much money you earn, it is never enough? As a financial advisor working with high net worth women and families, I have observed that even financially successful people struggle with a sense of scarcity. This may sound strange, given...
by Manisha Thakor | Apr 17, 2012 | All Posts, Book Review, Earn, Invest, Save, Spend
In response to my last post about Jean Chatzky’s delightful new book, “MoneyRules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security”, many of your wrote to me to share the money rules that had made the biggest difference in your life. That got me thinking,...
by Manisha Thakor | Apr 4, 2012 | All Posts, Book Review, Earn, Invest, Save, Spend
When economic times were flush, it felt relatively easy to figure out the next financial move to make. Today it feels like many of us are on a rapidly moving financial freeway with poor money signage. Should you pay off student loan debt or start saving for...