by Manisha Thakor | May 19, 2011 | All Posts, Invest, Protect, Save
What’s Your Retirement Plan? A recent study by Transamerica’s Center for Retirement Studies concludes that for a large portion of folks, “never retiring” is their plan A. Alas, a significant percentage of the eager-to-keep-working population is...
by Manisha Thakor | May 9, 2011 | All Posts, Earn, Invest, Reflect, Save
When you hear that women earn less than men… do your eyes glaze over? If you are like me, you’ve heard the statistics so often they almost don’t register: Women earn $0.77 on the male dollar, spend an average of 11.5 fewer years than men in the paid...
by Manisha Thakor | May 5, 2011 | All Posts, Earn, Invest, Save, Spend
If you could rewind your life to graduation from high school or college, what would you have done differently with your money? Confession: I’m a financial voyeur. For as long as I can remember I’ve been fascinated by the unique relationships people (and...
by Manisha Thakor | Apr 25, 2011 | All Posts, Book Review, Earn, Reflect, Save, Spend
What would happen if you pared your life down to the essentials? It’s been a while since my last blog post. Truth be told, I’ve been frozen like a deer in headlights. It felt like everything there was to say about personal finance had already been...