by Manisha Thakor | Oct 27, 2010 | All Posts, Save, Spend
These tough economic times present an interesting financial conundrum for our tum-tums. During rocky periods it’s natural and healthy to want to seek out friends and companionship. Breaking bread and having a good chat is a wonderful way to release work/life...
by Manisha Thakor | Oct 5, 2010 | All Posts, Book Review, Earn
US News & World Report senior editor and personal finance columnist, Kim Palmer, has written an excellent new book for young professionals: GENERATION EARN. Kim was kind enough to share her thoughts both on the writing of the book and to highlight “5 Money...
by Manisha Thakor | Sep 29, 2010 | All Posts, Earn, Reflect, Save, Spend
Six Reasons Why Gen X & Gen Y Need Some Serious Financial TLC They’re scared: They’ve entered their adult years during a gut-wrenching economic and job market. With unemployment over 9.5%, they’ve seen their parents struggle. Over 7 out...
by Manisha Thakor | Sep 13, 2010 | All Posts, Earn, Protect, Spend
Are you banking online? A recent survey says 80 percent of U.S. online households are. However, if you’re limiting your online account management to checking your balance or reviewing past transactions you are missing out on the biggest benefits of the service. Many...
by Manisha Thakor | Jun 7, 2010 | All Posts, Book Review, Protect
One of the most common personal finance questions I’m hearing from people (of all ages!) is this: “Is it possible for my golden years to be… truly golden?” The one, two, three punch of the housing, stock, and job markets has left millions...